Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog Introduction

American Express PR is a blog that will focus on the relationship American Express has with its clients, customers and the media. I plan to analyze public relations initiatives the company makes as well as social media plans they create. American Express is very active in the social media scene and I hope to learn a lot from their activities. I already follow them on Twitter because I am an American Express customer and am impressed with their use of the social media web site. I hope to further investigate other public relations activity surrounding American Express.

America Express is a credit card company that prides itself on being the best. They offer their customers many benefits ranging from reward points to access to special events. American Express also provides customers with travelers checks in addition to a verity of credit card options. The company is a well known brand that accounts for 24% of credit card charges in the United States.

American Express does have a reputation of being an exclusive credit card company. They offer a verity of cards with many different options for customers. However not all stores or institutions accept the credit card because American Express charges more for stores to use their services. Currently with the economy there is a lot of concern surrounding credit card companies. Some people feel that it is not right for these credit card companies to charge huge interest rates and hide fees in monthly statements. America Express needs to prove to customers that they are doing their best to work with the government and abide by all regulations. They also need to regulate interest rates and never charge secret fees on their customers statements.

American Express does its best to let the public understand what it does and how they provide exceptional service. They want customers to know they are dedicated to providing exceptional service and will go above and beyond competitors. They have created a strong brand name for themselves and work hard to keep that name in tact. They are constantly sending customers updates on new offers, credit card options and unique deals. American Express also works hard to understand customers wants and needs and do their best to provide these wants and needs.

Today, American Express must work harder than ever to prove they are devoted to their customers. With the way the economy is people are more cautious than ever about spending and charging purchases. Many Americans are trying to only use cash to purchase things and are doing their best to avoid having credit card payments. Some people go as far as to blame the credit card providers for the poor economy because people were able to charge things they really could not afford. American Express now must work hard to prove they offer smart credit cards and will not scam their customers. The America Express PR department should be making sure the public, the media and their customers understand all new activity within the company and how they are working to help keep their customers safe and debt free.

I am excited to spend some time really understanding American Express and their public relations plans. I have always been impressed by their strong brand and loyal customers. I hope to use this opportunity to better understand how AmEx is able to keep customers so satisfied and how they keep the public informed on their new products and services.

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